Administration » Discipline Office

Discipline Office

The Discipline office strives to provide a safe and positive educational environment for all students and staffThrough progressive discipline practices, this office is committed to supporting the well-being of all students and building relationships to promote student success. Additionally, this office supports and works collaboratively with the special education department to ensure students have access to appropriate support services to ensure their success.  

Dr. Brandi Fletcher
Assistant Principal of Discipline
(909) 899-2531 Ext 2030
Mrs. Raquel Gutierrez
Discipline Secretary
(909) 899-2531 Ext 2031


Safe Learning Environment

The security staff throughout the Chaffey Joint Union High School District is made up of highly trained individuals who specialize in the safety of our students. Their first priority in any given situation is the safety of our students, staff, and community members on our sites. Each security officer has received specialized training and they partner with local law enforcement to maintain a safe learning environment on each of our campuses. Each of our sites have a School Resource Officer that is assigned to the campus. The security team is supervised by the Assistant Principal of Discipline, whose contact information is listed below. Visitors are not allowed on any of the Chaffey District Campuses without first receiving permission and obtaining a visitors pass in the Principal's Office.




Parent Guidelines and Procedures for Emergency Situations

As part of Etiwanda High School’s safety preparedness plan, we would like to assure parents that EHS is dedicated to providing a safe environment for students and staff under all situations. In preparation for an emergency at Etiwanda High School, we ask parents to assist the school by making sure that emergency contact numbers are current and by having a discussion with your student/s concerning their behavior and responsibility during a crisis.


Student Behavioral Expectations

The first point of emphasis is to encourage your son or daughter to remain calm and to listen to school personnel. Whether the class needs to shelter-in-place or evacuate, it is imperative that students cooperate and assist the adults in getting everyone to safety. Students are strongly encouraged not to leave campus prior to obtaining permission from school personnel.


Emergency Information

The school will use the automated calling system to pass along information via all contact numbers that have been provided. Parents seeking additional information should initially call the school (909-899-2531) before coming. If that number is busy, the district office will be able to give pertinent information (909-988-8511). In the event of a major disaster (earthquake, community fire, site fire, etc.) where phones are not working, parents can tune into KFRG 95.1 (fm) and KFI 640 (am) to listen for information concerning the site.


Student Release

Parents who wish to pick up their child during an emergency are encouraged to first and foremost be patient. In the event of a lock-down, students will not be released until the police have cleared the area of any possible threat. In the event of an evacuation, parents should come to the school where they will be directed to the location assigned for student pick up. School personnel will be placed around campus to offer informational assistance. In the event we need to release students from class due to an emergency, please follow these guidelines:


• Parents or guardians are to come to the main office for directions regarding student release.

• Form an orderly line at the administration office so we can take your request one at a time – students will only be released to persons authorized on the emergency card.

• Do not contact students by cell phone - this causes disruption, adds anxiety to the situation, and can lead to misinformation being disseminated.

• Be patient with school personnel and know that they have your student’s welfare at heart and the students are safe in the classroom.

• Your questions and concerns will be answered by school personnel as soon as possible.  



